Bike Commuting in LA Should Not Be an Extreme Sport

Whenever I tell people (usually those who don't bike) I biked to whatever destination I'm at at, people respond like I've just climbed Kilamanjaro.

Sensing that I might get some respect/brownie points out of a fellow interlocutor I respond like I've just climbed Kilamanjaro.

It does not matter who my fellow interlocutor is, whether it's a professor, co-worker, family friend, the conversation starts with me somehow mentioning biking to the destination particularly if I'm carrying a back pack with my helmet.

Professor/co-worker/family friend:  You BIKED all the way here?

Me:  Yes, yes I did (all proud)

Professor/co-worker/family friend:  WOWWWW/Geeze you are crazy!

Me:  (Ego inflates)

I mean, it's great to have my ego inflated because I do something "crazy" or "wow" worthy (in their eyes), but if were supposed to seriously make bike commuting for everyone, bike commuting should not be "crazy" or "wow" worthy, but something that they know they could conceivably do.

Ideally, it should be something boring and mundane, as boring and mundane as bikes on the beach, something ANY soccer moms (and not just some elite group of wolfpack soccer moms).

* * *

As I was making my way to pay the water bill in Gardena, cruising on Compton Blvd. which becomes Redondo Beach Blvd) a driver got really close to me, and was able to zip away with zero consequence.

No thought whatsoever at the fact that they were close enough to hit me.  See 2:29 in the video embedded below.

Suddenly, a burst in thought:  People value their time and their convenience over any of my safety concerns.

Inversely, I wonder if there is a way to make my safety on a bike part of their convenience and time. 

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